​​​​Sons and Daughters of Italy - Fall RIver

2014: Rachel Bernardo

2015: Liana Ferrara

2016: Annie DiGiammo
2017: Amaya
​2018: Jessica Dube

 ~ To view pictures from the 2018 Columbus Day Celebration held at Venus de Milo, click here. ~

1966: Aresta Ferraro
1967: Donna Jones Murphy
1968: Susan D'Nucci Souza
1969: Sue Carlino Albanese
1970: Kathy McGuire Charette
1971: Donna Omorato Barone
1972: Ann Staibano
1973: Joanne Madonna Prebble
1974: Susan Mirra Mello
1975: Ann Suppopla
1976: Christine Angelini
1977: Mary Jane Trainor
1978: Christine Gagliardi
1979: Lisa Ann Tamborella
1980: Marie Primo
1981: Julie Natale
1982: Susan Brabant
1983: Susan Strollo
1984: Tammy Wrightington
1985: Lucretia Bianchi
1986: Heidi Sartini
1987: Tracy Sousa
1988: Suzanne DiBennedetto
1989: Kim Sousa DoCouto

Past Recipients

1990: Aimee Perron
1991: Kristen D'Ambrosio
1992: Lori Sousa
1993: Brandie Elizabeth Conforti
1994: Angelika Brockoff
1995: Jennifer D'Ambrosio
1996: Brianne Marie Como
1997: Elizebeth Palumbo
1998: Andrea Bertoncini
1999: Ashley Lamontagne
2000: Gina Mauretti
2001: Angela Sbardella
2002: Rachel Giannotti
2003: Carolyn Ward
2004: Caitlin E. Ross
2005: Deborah Orlando
2006: Ali Pettine
2007: Melissa DaSilva
2008: Lauren Fiola
2009: Kate Gibney
2010: Kate Gibney
2011: Erica DeMello
2012: Erica Dube
2013: Angela Consonni

Each fall the Sons of Italy Fall River selects a young woman of Italian heritage to serve a one-year term as Miss Columbus. She is introduced to the Sons of Italy Fall River community during the annual Columbus Day Dinner in October, at which time she is presented a crown, a special gift and a sash.  During her tenure she represents the Lodge in local parades and events.  At the end of her year of service she is presented with a check for $200.

Miss Columbus Program