​​​​Sons and Daughters of Italy - Fall RIver

- Grandson, Mary Ferrarini

Kaitlin Roche

- Grandson, Dr. Anthony Caprio & Gail Laferrier Caprio

Jason Conforti

​Scholarships Received: Saulino Memorial Scholarship & Robert F. Stoico / FIRSTFED Charitable Foundation 

Attending: Savannah College of Art and Design

Field of Study: Film and Television Production

Scholarship Received: Attilio Raffa Memorial Scholarship

Graduate of: Suffolk University

Attending: Suffolk University Law School

Field of Study: Law

Andra Rae Sharples

- Great Granddaughter, Terry Esposito

- Granddaughter, Mark Esposito

Scholarship Received: Fall River Sons of Italy Scholarship

Graduated:  St. Mary's Catholic School

Attending: University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Field of Study: Biology / Pre-Med.

- Grandson, Orlando "Doc" Conforti

2024 Scholarship awardees

Scholarship Received: Ciolfi Memorial Scholarship

Graduated:  Greater NB Regional Technical High School

Attending: University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Field of Study: Biology (later Dentistry)

Scholarship Received: Joseph & Theresa Oliveira Memorial Scholarship

Attending: Merrimack College

Field of Study: Business

One of the highlights of the Fall River SDOI's social calendar is the opportunity to meet the next generation of Italian-Americans, the proud descendants of our Lodge brothers and sisters, during the annual Scholarship Breakfast.  This year we gathered at White's of Westport on Sunday, May 19 to honor our recipients listed below. We wish you the best in your academic and personal pursuits!

Pictured: Jacob with his grandmother, Mary Ferrarini

Jacob Ferrarini

- Granddaughter, Joseph Sousa

Caleb Anthony-William White